As a Chief Technology Officer at Computacenter, I’m responsible for the strategy, sales enablement and technical proposition development. I’m running an integrated strategy and engagement with our customers and partners across our service portfolio. In my spare time, I maintain the website, which tracks ransomware victims in real time.
2015 - Present, Paris, France
Computacenter is a British multinational that provides computer services to public and private sector customers.
2018 - Present
2016 - 2018
2015 - 2016
2600 is an inclusive school 100% dedicated to cybersecurity.
2007 - 2015, Paris, France
Group AGRICA is a complementary social protection group dedicated to the agricultural world.
2012 - 2015
2007 - 2012
State Social Security Office
2000 - 2001
1999 - 2000
2023-2024 Master in Cybersecurity | ||
B.Sc. in Computer Science option Sé | ||
1998-1999 B.Sc. in Computer Science (Security option)Extracurricular Activities
| ||
1996 - 1998 DUT Informatique | ||
1996 Bachelor's degree in Mathematics |
Ransomware indexer & aggregator
Powershell Ransomware to demonstrate cryptolocking to our customers and how to prevent a cyberattack.
Bot to keep inform of Cyber Security threats. Notify on a Microsoft Teams channel using Github Action.
An Open Source bot for twitter which retweets french tweets related to cybersecurity.
A Docker-compose file ready to launch OpenCTI and several connectors, ready to work.
Cyber-News is a site similar to Reddit but only dedicated on cybersecurity topics.
extract and filter call for tenders based on keywords published on BOAMP
Detect CVE PoC available on Github
Free Web & mail Hosting servers
Based on data from, Ransomposts display Ransomware Group posts
A daily updated summary of the most frequent types of security incidents currently being reported from different sources using Github action.
My Curriculum Vitae online generated by Github Action and hosted on Github
The PSE Strata Associate certified individual has successfully completed the specialized learning path and passed the written exam to verify they possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities required to demonstrate knowledge in the competitive features and functions of Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation firewalls, execute an evaluation of Palo Alto Networks firewalls, and present a Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) report.
The PSE Strata Associate certified individual has successfully completed the specialized learning path and passed the written exam to verify they possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities required to demonstrate knowledge in the competitive features and functions of Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation firewalls, execute an evaluation of Palo Alto Networks firewalls, and present a Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) report.